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Welcome to the NGO Quality Assurance Certification Mechanism (QuAM)

The QuAM has been specifically developed for what is known in our country as ‘NGOs' and ‘NGO networks.' A network is defined as a network of non-governmental organisations, that is registered with the NGO Board or district authorities, and that brings together other organisations and/or individuals as its members.


Standards for improvement

51. Has made efforts to reflect on its past successes and challenges as an organisation  with input from other  stakeholders including beneficiaries.

This might include participator y programme reviews external evaluations of a programme  or of the entire organisation. The NGO can show how these processes have led to changes in its policies, mission and practices.

52. Has actively tried to learn from other (re)sources available in its operating environment.

The NGO is actively learning  from  other  development organisations such as local government and other NGOs (through  joint visits, collective activities, attending conferences, etc)  and  can  show how it is using this to improve.

53. Has undertaken regular events to reflect on its core business and rationale for existence.

The NGO regularly undertakes reflection events to review its mission/goal and core activities, to ensure its continuing relevance as a development organisation.

54. Has learning practices  that involve its Board, members, and/ or staff.

The NGO has put in place learning practices across the organisation, that  are  in regular  use. This may include par ticipator y reflection events, retreats,  and reviews that involve a cross-section of organisational stakeholders.

55. Has developed a staff development system (where relevant), which is in use.

Where  the  NGO employs  staff,  it  has  developed  and implements  a  staff  development  policy that  promotes individual staff learning. This might include suppor t for fur ther studies, exchange visits, encouragement  to reading, study tours, etc.

56. Has developed and is using its own learning system.

The NGO has developed, documented and is using a set of policies and practices that make it a ‘learning organisation'. The NGO is able to track and document the impact of its learning on its practice.

57. Has identified, documented and shared its best practices.

The NGO is able to document its best practices and to build on such strengths. Best practices might include a programme deliver y method, an effective collaborative mechanism, an innovation leading to greater  impact, etc. Best practices are shared internally and promoted with other NGOs working in the same area,  relevant government institutions, etc. This might be as part of an advocacy initiative or other influencing work.

58. Has undertaken and makes use of organisational development/ review processes.

The NGO has periodically engaged  in a  comprehensive organisational development (OD) process and has implemented agreed  recommendations arising from it, in a timely fashion.

59. In the case of an  NGO network, additionally to the above, it can demonstrate support to learning across its membership.

This  may include joint documentation initiatives, support to M&E  systems among-st  members, promotion of specific learning and reflection events for groups of members.

MINIMUM STANDARDS - 30. Has written programme/activity plans that aim at achieving its objectives mission and/or goal. The programmes of the NGO are all meant to contribute to the realisation of its mission/goal. Plans are current, written down and accessible. 31.Understands  and is able to identify its current/actual programme outputs and/or outcomes. The NGO is able to explain what change (or changes) it wants to make through its projects or programmes. Its projects or programmes therefore go beyond a c ....





Plot 470 (Opp. Law Dev. Centre)

Mobile 1: +256 393 255074

Mobile 2: +256 393 255074

LDC Road, Kampala, Uganda

Email: info@quamuganda.org

Website: www.quamuganda.org

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