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Welcome to the NGO Quality Assurance Certification Mechanism (QuAM)

The QuAM has been specifically developed for what is known in our country as ‘NGOs' and ‘NGO networks.' A network is defined as a network of non-governmental organisations, that is registered with the NGO Board or district authorities, and that brings together other organisations and/or individuals as its members.


Why QuAM
Eight Reasons to Obtain an NGO Quality Assurance Certificate

The NGO sector in Uganda has grown rapidly and is increasingly recognized as an important player in our country's well-being. But this growth is not without its problems: sometimes we are embarrassed by some of our failings sometimes we see unethical behavior in our sector; sometimes we are open to accusations and do not have any instrument to respond. It is in the light of this that NGOs in Uganda have decided to develop and implement the QuAM. If your organization obtains a Quality Assurance Certificate, it will:
  1. Enhance its credibility. One of the ambitions of NGOs is to defend the rights of our fellow citizens. To do so, one must adhere to the highest ethical standards and best possible practices. With the QuAM, we aim to ensure that the credibility of NGOs is widely recognized in the eyes of the public, Government, and other stakeholders. As the public gains confidence in the certification mechanism, we anticipate that Quality Assured NGOs will be identified as partners of trust.
  2. Enhance its legitimacy. Given the doubts that sometimes surround the legitimacy of NGOs, you may wish to re-assert the ‘bona fide' character of your organization. We anticipate that the QuAM will become widely recognized as a ‘seal of approval' for NGOs working in Uganda.
  3. Enhance protection and autonomy. To work effectively, the freedom of action of NGOs (as guaranteed by our Constitution) must be respected, especially by Government. If NGOs are seen as trustworthy, effective organizations, they are better able to secure their necessary freedom of operation. By enhancing your organization's credibility and profile, you will also be better placed to defend its interests against any pressure or manipulation.
  4. Contribute to better cohesion amongst NGOs. By working together to develop standards of good practice, by sharing and applying these standards across the sector, we expect enhanced cohesion amongst NGOs, reducing the competitive pressures that often undermine unity. In particular, the Certification mechanism will strengthen district NGO networks and fora.
  5. Help to constantly improve performance. We realize that, as NGOs, we shall never be perfect, but we can strive towards perfection. The QuAM has been designed to promote constant improvement, so that we become more effective, more efficient, and better learners. Every two or three years, new standards of achievement will sharpen your organizational ambitions.
  6. Learn from examples. You may wish to learn from those NGOs that are setting high standards in your local community. Quality Assured NGOs will set a trend for us all to follow.
  7. Enhance accountability. As NGOs, we are accountable to the general public, to our members, to our local and external donors, to our government. The QuAM will help us enhance our accountability to these parties.
  8. Raise profile. Having an NGO Certificate will signal to the public that you belong to a genuine, recognized group of voluntary organizations, striving to adhere to high ethical and operational standards and to constantly improve your performance. The list of certified NGOs may be published from time to time. A Certificate may help your organization gain support from potential sources of assistance (local governments, the general public, other donors, etc.).

WHAT IS QUAM - The NGO Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) is a self assessment initiative developed by NGOs and for NGOs. It aims to enhance the credibility and effectiveness of NGOs and contribute to the overall improvement in the public legitimacy of the sector. Beyond the NGO sector QuAM aims at promoting good governance and improving service delivery in the country. The NGO sector strongly believes their adaptation to QuAM will undoubtedly set a precedent of credibility within the NGO sector. The overa ....

GOVERNANCE - The NGO as an Organisation: GovernanceWe recognise that quality starts at home: in the way our NGO is managed internally with regard to its principles its people and its other resources. A cer tified NGO  or NGO  network provides evidence that it: Ethics Resources Standards for improvement

MILESTONES - Achievements so far met Official Launch at the 2nd Uganda Social Forum in September 2006 QuAM infrastructure in place; A fully established and functioning National Council Fully functioning secretariat; hosted by DENIVA QuAM Committees in 23 districts QuAM Strategic Plan in place Recognition of the QuAM by NGOs development partners and government – the QuAM is recognized in the 2010 NGO Policy and Regulations Continuous popularization of QuAM at International National and Di ....





Plot 470 (Opp. Law Dev. Centre)

Mobile 1: +256 393 255074

Mobile 2: +256 393 255074

LDC Road, Kampala, Uganda

Email: info@quamuganda.org

Website: www.quamuganda.org

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