The NGO Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) is a self assessment initiative developed by NGOs and for NGOs. It aims to enhance the credibility and effectiveness of NGOs and contribute to the overall improvement in the public legitimacy of the sector.
Beyond the NGO sector QuAM aims at promoting good governance and improving service delivery in the country. The NGO sector strongly believes their adaptation to QuAM will undoubtedly set a precedent of credibility within the NGO sector.
The overall implementation of QuAM is guided and monitored by a body of seven national council members who act as the focal point for QuAM at national level. The work of the council is facilitated by a full-time Secretary/Coordinator who heads the National QuAM Secretariat.
At the regional level, a five member QuAM committee is the focal point for the Certification Mechanism and entire implementation process in the district. District committees operate through selected district networks that host committee members when need arises.